Call for Papers
The International Conference On Computational Intelligence and Its Applications (CIIA 2018) invites doctoral students to submit their thesis research proposal for possible inclusion in the Doctoral Symposium Section of the conference proceedings. The Symposium will be scheduled as a pre-conference event, on May 6th, 2018, and will provide the opportunity for doctoral students to present their thesis progress before a panel of established researchers in Computational Intelligence.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: January 31th, 2018
Author notification: February 19th, 2018
Final papers due: February 26th, 2018
Graduate Student Symposium: June 25th, 2018
Submission Instructions
Graduate students are invited to submit a 4-page summary of their proposal including problem statement, motivations, background and thesis scope, proposed solution and approach as well as thesis progress to date. All submissions must be written in English. Submissions will be reviewed based on clarity of the submission, significance of the problem and its relevance to Computational Intelligence, and novelty of the proposed solution. Submitted papers must be formatted according to Springer’s LNCS style.
The paper submission should be accompanied by the following materials:
1) A cover letter stating your name, institution, supervisor’s name and email address, program start date, expected graduation date, and 3-5 keywords describing your work.
2) A letter of support from your doctoral thesis supervisor including an assessment of the current status of your thesis work and expected graduation date.
The thesis proposal and the above two documents should be combined into one PDF document to be submitted using the following link.